Dear Friend (of grape seeds and iron bullets)
Digital color print
24 pages (A5)

Research and writing by Baha Görkem Yalım, Valentina Curandi, Maike Hemmers.
Edited and designed by Sarmad

€5 + shipping

“Dear Friend (of grape seeds and iron bullets)” is a book that is produced alongside Maike Hemmer’s work named Desire Digests what Moves it, in collaboration with Valentina Curandi and Baha Görkem Yalım, in the exhibition Fictioning Comfort. Much like in Maike’s work that entailed an invitation to Valentina and Görkem to engage deeply with a set of cushions, the publication has been an invitation to expand on the research they did while engaging with Maike’s cushions. Hence, the publication includes three lines of thinking by the three authors intertwined through the pages of the book; where they each think through the spatiality of their bodies at home with cushions, and a lot more.
