Eyn Eyn Eyn Stories
Digital color print
4 publications of 14 pages each (A5)

Writing by Alireza Abbasy
Illustrations by Arvand Pourabbasi
Designed by Sarmad

€6 + shipping

“Eyn Eyn Eyn Stories” is a series of publications from the story to Alireza Abbasy’s audio piece at Fictioning Comfort. Each publication corresponds to one of Alireza’s audio pieces (episodes), and is a transcripted and illustrated book of each part of the story. Eyn Eyn Eyn is the name of the eccentric storyteller of a series of interconnected short stories, in which no rules of storytelling or any particular logic is strictly followed. He tells the story of a fantastical world inhabited by characters ranging from humans to animals, plants, and body parts. The stories follow the parallel worlds of these characters, and critically explore the landscapes of the art world, political activism, unconventional knowledge, queerness, alienation, friendship, drugs and wisdom.
