About Andromache Kokkinou

Andromache Kokkinou is active in the independent publishing scene as a writer, editor, visual artist, and zinester. A writer using visual references, she has a Pinterest board for every story or poem she is working on. Their practice includes elements of experimental writing, visual poetry, digital collage, 00s online fan cultures, magic realism, and the Gothic. She is based in Athens, Greece.


About the story:

The Purple House is a flash fiction story that emerged as is, after spending some time thinking and experimenting with the second singular person. I wanted to create a second-person-point-and-click video game experience, take you by the hand and show you the world through the main character's eyes, but not quite. It is a story made up of a series of impressionistic images, a snapshot of an anonymous girl's life, simultaneously watching herself from an older perspective, and existing in the very moment of the narrative. After re-reading and revising the draft, I now find new associations, so the story can be read in multiple ways, and I'm curious to see the impressions it leaves on readers.
